Other Sponsorship and Donation Opportunities:
Please click HERE for the Sponsor Registration Form
We are seeking sponsorships or donations for unique "experience" type items to feature at our live auction and silent auction. Ideas for these could be: trips, vacation home rentals, girls weekend getaway experience, spa day, restaurants, airline vouchers, limousine rides, concert or event tickets.....
If you think can help us with a donation of this type please contact one of the volunteer event organizers below to discuss further.
Kristina Tesser - ktesser@townsend-smith.ca | 905-691-8988
Alyson Haydar - alysonhaydar@gmail.com | 905-699-7129
Corrie Higgins - corlee3@gmail.com | 416-844-3746
Debbie Glover - studio49@cogeco.ca | 905-845-4908
Margaret Saliba - marg.saliba@gmail.com | 905-875-0778
Pauline Haydar - paulinehaydar@gmail.com | 905-330-3131